Thursday, September 10, 2015

Meeting Jay

After Joe I kind of took a break from men.  I lost my job and began writing “The Prodigal Daughter,” for my local newspaper.  I wrote, fell back in love with the land, focused on myself and tried to find work.  I finally took the GRE and failed. I needed at least a 1200 to get in to grad school and a 1600 for a scholarship.  After months of studying I took the test and made an 800.  What dreams I had of getting my masters died then, but then again I was not entirely sure I wanted to leave Keatchie anyways.

In the Fall of 2002 I was sitting in Maddie’s kitchen when I told her 80% of marriages are made by friends.  I was officially putting the word out there that I wanted a boyfriend.  I felt I was ready.  I told her everybody knows somebody.  You have a cousin, a brother, a friend, a person at work who is single.  You know somebody.  If you think he is good enough for me, then I will go out with him.
And so it went.  Maddie’s mother came back a few weeks later with news, that she knew of a young man who would like to hang out with us.  Maddie’s mom at the time was selling houses.  The lady she was selling houses with had a next door neighbor who had a lonely young son.  So he was Maddie’s–Mom’s-Business partner’s-Neighbor’s –Son. I felt like I was playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon!  Lol!  It was said all he did was work and come home and play on his computer.  “Oh great,” I thought,” another one like Mike.  He’s probable downloading porn.”  We all agreed to meet.    They told me everybody called him Jay.

Somehow it all got twisted up in my head and I thought this first meeting was going to be a date.  So I was looking good, hair and makeup did, high heel shoes and a velvet skirt slit up to my thigh.  I was going to outclass him and get rid of him.  I still don’t understand why I wanted to do that, but I did.  I know I thought that if I was completely myself he will run for the hills.  The men I met always did.  They were afraid for a smart, beautiful, and empowered woman.  That was my plan anyways.  It didn’t work.
On December 17th, 2002 Maddie and I go to Barns and Nobles where we were all scheduled to meet.  We are all just milling around.  Maddie and I had come together in my car and Jay had come in his car.  Hey pluses already for him.  He had a job and his own car.  Maddie and I are walking around, just soaking up the books, because you know I am such a nerd.  I love books and knowledge.  I love libraries.  I love the smell of a freshly cracked open new book.  I grab a nice, new, fat, purple velvet notebook and a book of Shakespearean Sonnets.  Now I really do like Shakespeare even if I find him at times a bit confusing, but the book is part of my plan. 

Maddie takes me around the corner and points out Jay.  Oh My Goddess!  He is the most beautiful man I have seen in a long time.  He looks like a cowboy.  He’s wearing a dune colored outback style hat and a long black duster.  He has the most beautiful blue twinkling eyes, full of mischief I am sure.  He is fluffy and sports a mustache and goatee.  Not only is he standing among the books, he is reading thru them trying to chose one.  I am hooked.
Now this particular Barns and Nobles’ has a Starbucks in it, one of the first in our town.  Jay and I have made eye contact across the room.  I am standing in line.  We can’t quit stealing glances at each other.  I feel my face flush as I blush.  I’m going to play with him a bit.  After a few more stolen glances I motion for him to come over, with that one finger come hither.  Now I did not know until much later that he had no idea who I was.  Maddie had not pointed me out to him.  He did not come over because he knew he was there to meet me.  He came over on his own accord, which made me feel even better, even stronger that I still had sexual power. 

“I’m sorry.”  I said, “I just could not resist toying with you just a bit.”  I trail off.  Gods he’s so cute, I can’t keep a straight thought.  My turn has come up to order.  I set my books down as I order.  I order tea. He tries to pay for it.
“Oh!” he says, “I see you like Shakespeare.  I do too.”

My first thought is cool.  My second thought is crap I am not going to get rid of this dude!  My plan to outclass him is not working!  Ugh!!!
I get my tea and sit down with Maddie, and Jay right behind me.  I don’t know if he knew I was the one he was there to meet until that point.  So I still think this is a chaperoned date.  I begin the conversation at the table with the truth of who I am, that I am recently divorced from an abusive marriage, the conditions I have, the medications I take and the meetings I am attending.  I tell him before he becomes emotionally invested in me, he needs to understand what he’s getting into, and if he doesn’t like it there’s the door.  He does not move, and tells me, “I’m not leaving.”  Wow!  Just freaking wow!

He spends the rest of the afternoon walking around and shopping with us.  In PetCo he begins to dance and sing like a lunatic.  He’s trying to make me laugh.  I love it.  He has yet to stop trying.  Now Jay has told me a bit about his life up until this point.  He was two years younger than me.  He’s graduated from High School, flunked out after a semester in college and been working ever since.  He’s worked at Albertson’s as a courtesy clerk for many years.  You know he’s the guy behind the counter that sells you lottery tickets, cigarettes, money orders, stamps and at that time renting videos.  He’s also been a bag boy, a checker, and worked in their liquor store department.  He lives with his family and currently had no great aspirations to do anything else with his life.
He and I have lead very different lives. I have been to college and been divorced.  He’s never lived anywhere else then Northern Western Louisiana.  I begin to think we have nothing in common.  I tell Maddie we need to shake him.  When we are done with our shopping I shake his hand, tell him it was nice to meet him, but we have nothing in common and that I will see him down the road.  Maddie and I get in the car and begin the 30 minute drive back to her house.  I cried the whole way there.  I was so afraid I had hurt his feelings.  He was such a sweet guy, but I was sure it was not going to work out between us.  And as we all know my calculations are never wrong!  Ha!  Yeh just look at my life with Mike!

We get to Maddie’s and she gives me a glass of wine to calm down.  Finally threw the tears Maddie gets it through my thick skull, that this was not a date, that it was just a meeting of the minds as it was.  I am horrified.  I stop crying immediately.  Oh I’ve really fucked up now!
“Give me the phone!”  I said.  I dial Jay and by the time he answers I am in tears again. “I’m so sorry!” I blurt out.  “I thought it was date.  I’m so sorry!  Come back!”  I tell him we are making dinner, and to come over.  I hastily tell him directions to Maddie’s house.   I tell him I will wait outside for him. 

In those days I usually did not travel by myself.  That night at Maddie’s I had both Precious the first and Sissy with me.  Precious the first, is my beautiful black and tan Dachshund daughter.  Sissy, is my cream colored half Schnauzer, half Mutt sister. 
Jay comes in the door and by the time he gets to the kitchen Precious the first, has jumped up into his arms and is giving him kisses.  She looks at me and I hear, “Mommy, Mommy!  Can we keep him?  He smells like Chihuahuas!”   She then goes back to kissing him, I hear her call him Daddy.  Now at the time I did not understand I was an animal communicator.  I just pushed it aside, and figured it was nonsense.  But I did recognize the sign.  My daughter liked him, I liked him, he didn’t run off, tried to pay for me tea, opened doors for me and liked books.  I put my hand over my face.  “Fuck,” I thought, “I’m going to have to marry this guy and I just met him today!” 

But Sissy is the one who sealed the deal.  I’ve told you how she acted towards Mike.  She never would let him touch her, and screamed every time he tried.  Sissy knew long before I did, and as usual she was right on her instincts.  After dinner Jay and I are laying on Maddie’s large living room floor just chilling and talking.  Sissy starts circling us.  Once, twice, three times she goes.  Jay stretches out a hand to her and she gets almost close enough to let him touch her, close enough to sniff him, and she backs up.  This goes on for about an hour until we get up from the floor.  By our third date Sissy was sitting in Jay’s lap giving him kisses.  The animals always know, if we just listen.
Jay, Maddie, and Maddie’s Mom play cards for a few hours, while I have a nap in Maddie’s bed.  I say I am too tried to dive home.  Jay offers to take me home, but I am not sure.  I just met him today, so I politely decline.  Jay walks me to my car and gives me a hug good bye.  He tells me years later how bad he wanted to kiss me that first night, but was a bit too shy. 


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