Thursday, April 21, 2016

Team Ilsa

So it has been almost a month since Oh Goddess here we go again! was written and there have been many little victories and improvements.  I happy to say that many of you have offered not only your good wishes, but your expertise as well.  I am calling this endeavor Team Ilsa.

No I was never able to afford to see the nutritionist.  So I have a friend who I am talking with about my food issues, and nutrition in general.  I checked out a book on nutrition from the library.  Even thought it makes me want to vomit with anxiety every time I look at it.  I am at least trying.  I may only make it through a page or two, at a time, but hey better than nothing right?  Oh it gives me the same anxiety as math does!  I just look at it and go, nope I can’t do it.  I just keep reminding myself, if I can survive 9 hours of French in one summer and leave an abusive marriage, I bet I can do this too.  This shit is real confusing so y’all stay tuned for new developments on that front too.

No, I never was able to go to physical therapy.  That so many of you who have gotten down on the floor to show me exercises that you learned in PT, that have helped you, means the world to me.  Thank you.  Every day I get on the floor and do my back exercises.  And it is the craziest shit y’all, my back and hip hurt less.  My back spasms, that have controlled my life for so long, are down by at least 50%, my general and over all pain is down by 30% or so.  I even think it has helped my IC pain.  I am able to stand for longer periods of time, without having to sit because of a spasm.  Last night I had another little victory, I stood in the kitchen long enough to work on my pork stock, make dinner, make tea, unload and then reload the dishwasher, and dish up dinner.  Yes there was some leaning, but no sitting.  A total of maybe 15 or 20 minutes?  Unthinkable before all this started.  I noticed this morning I am not turning over in my sleep.  I have tossed and turned for years.  I fall asleep on my left side, have for a really long time, last night woke up twice on my right.  Also sleeping more on my back, never been able to do that.  I am standing to do my morning and evening bathroom routine, you know brush your teeth, wash your mask, take your meds, etc.  I had been sitting half way through. 

The exercises are getting better.  At first when I started doing them I screamed, cried and moaned a lot, cause they hurt so incredible bad.  Some of the worst pain I have ever had!!!  Now that is down by 85%.  Mostly now when I get down on the floor to start and when I work my left side.  I started with 1 rep, of 5 (you know 1,2,3,4,5) on each of my exercises, now I am up to almost 5 reps, of 5 (you know 1,2,..25) or hope to be by the end of the week.  I am trying to add 5 a week, to get to my goal of 10 reps (you know 50), which is what the Orthopedist originally prescribed.  Crazy man wants me to do this twice a day!  Well maybe one day, but for the moment I am damn proud to be at 25!  It’s kind of like asking somebody to move a dump load of dirt, and giving them a teaspoon.  Yes it can be done, it is just going to take a long time.  Hey I didn’t get in this condition over night, I ain’t going to get out of it in just a few weeks. 

I started out only being able to raise my left leg, when lying on my right side, about a foot, I am close 90° at this point.  Maybe I will be there next week.  When I do my back relax, it’s the first thing I do (lay on back and put legs in chair, hold for 15 minutes), I put my arms out to the side, slowly they are relaxing.  I didn’t realize how much tension I was carrying in my shoulders and arms.  I wonder if it is the boobs?  At first I could not do this exercise without a pillow under my head, now I don’t need it.  My arms would not go down all the way.  I would stretch out my arms, but could not rest them, palm side down.  I am there now with my left.  My right is better.  I can finally get it to lay almost all the way on the back of my hand, I am close to being able to turn it palm down and leave it there.  As more and more of my arm relaxes I feel different parts of it hit the floor, first my under arms, and now almost all of my fore arm.  Thought I could not get them down ‘cause there was just too much fat, nope, muscles were just to freaking tight. 

My time has gotten better, as far as how long my floor exercises take me.  When I started out it took me about an hour and a half.  I’ve got my time down to about 45 minutes to an hour.  Slowly but surely right?  Turtle won the race.  I was telling Jay yesterday, that I am kind of glad I did not go the PT route and I am doing it at home.  I think they would have pushed me beyond where I was comfortable in the beginning, 5 would not have been enough for them and once I started screaming that would have upset everyone in the building and I would have been embarrassed and not come back.  Or felt I did not please the PT and not come back.

I am also continuing with my walking.  It is helping with the swelling, even though I have had several setbacks for unknown reasons, as far as that is concerned.  Every day I walk at least once, if I do nothing but let the goats out (about 100 steps from house to gate and back) or make a loop around the barn (about 175 steps).  I will measure for you this week.  I got myself a handy app for that.  My goal daily is to walk twice, that has kind of been fucked up this week with all the rain, but I keep out it.  I even went shopping the other day, just so I could walk.  My first goal was to actually get up on gravel road, and make it back without sitting.  I made that within the first few weeks.  My second goal was to make it to the main road, and back without sitting down, about 500 steps, 0.2 miles.  I am happy to say that I made it last night, and again this morning.  I know there will be setbacks.  I know there will be days I am lapping the barn again.  But I have to keep trying, I don’t want the pain back.  My next goal is to walk the end of the dead end road, across the street from me, without stopping.  Maybe even one day run it.  The road is a mile down and a mile back.  And why do we say it that way.  Like it’s going to be a mile down to the end and then 4 miles back.  What, are they physics and geography suddenly going to change?  LOL!

So I am reading about nutrition, doing my exercises, and walking.  I am also experimenting with vegetables.  I am trying to determine what are the most economical vegetables to buy.  This pay check we experimented with collard greens, cabbage, celery, carrots, cilantro, Bok choy, and lemons.  We are trying to not use salt in anything, other than flavor pasta water.  Jay is even trying to limit the amount of season salt he is using.  Bless him!  I love him so!  Season salt to him is like garlic powder, he puts it on just about everything! 

Below is how my vegetable experiments turned out:

  • I made collards in the slow cooker, with onion, garlic, and ham hock.  Tiny bit of salt and sugar.  They were really great!  Served with cornbread.  Next time might do hot water cornbread instead, and change ham hock to another kind of meat.  Was not crazy about the smoke flavor with it.
  • Draped the seasoned cabbage in bacon and steamed on the stove with some water.  Really good.  No change needed, except perhaps less bacon.
  • Jay made a really good sauce, was really like a pesto.  Had the juice of 3 fresh squeezed lemons, cilantro, minced garlic, little lime juice, jalapeno juice, olive oil, basil, and dried oregano mixed in the blender.  Then we marinated chicken breasts in it, and baked at 350°.  Was really good. 
  • Shanghai Bok Choy is a really cool vegetable.  We tried at first steaming it in the rice cooker for 45 minutes.  They were still kind of crunchy.  Next marinated it over night in Jay’s left over pesto, then microwaved it for 10 minutes and it was perfect!  One Bok Choy per person.  Jay does not like Bok Choy.  Kind of like greens, lends itself to whatever flavors you give it. 
  • Put a bag in the freezer to put all my ends and nibble bits in to make stock.  Used my pork chop bones, ham hock, carrot ends, and onion peels from this week.  Cooked it all day long in the slow cooker.  Added onion powder, black pepper, and garlic powder.  Kind of flat without salt.  Slow cooker did not reduce water in it.  Had to take it out and boil it on the stove to remove half the liquid.  Will do it on the stove next time.  Plan to freeze it in greased muffin tin and then pop out and put in freezer bags.  Need to invest in ice cube trays.

Well so that is kind of where I am at with all this y’all.  Thanks for letting me prattle on.  I just pray to have the strength and desire to keep doing all of this.  It’s an awful lot for me to juggle.  I have no idea if I will, what tomorrow holds, or if this time will be any different than all the other times before.  I have no faith that it will be.  But then again, I felt the same way when I started writing almost a year ago.  I am 350lb, the odds that I can lose 200lb on my own, naturally, with no help of surgery is pretty astronomical.  So I am not being crazy and focusing on that.  I want to ease into this gently and slowly, maybe then it will stay.  I am focusing on not having as much pain.  If I could have less pain, than that would be a victory I would take any day of the week over being skinner.  And that people you can take to the bank.


Oh Goddess here we go again!

I just got off the floor doing exercises and I am just soundly pissed.  Went to pen the goats and Mr. Henry in the rain, and my heart beat is racing.  I hate exercises.  It’s got to go back to the days of mom forcing me to walk.  One day she was going walking with a friend, I told her I would be right there.  I laid on the floor and pretended I tripped and fell, and was unconscious till she got back.  I think she got the point.  She never asked me to go walk with her again.

She was obsessed with her weight and made me weigh everyday for a long time, till I think I finally raised enough hell.  She used to write her weight down on a sheet of paper hanging on the wall above the scale.  Mine was beside her’s.  She always weighed naked too, first thing in the morning.  She would get up at 4 and blaring Gloria Estefan and ride her stationary bike or walk on the treadmill, even at one time bouncing on her little trampoline.  Then of course there was the bar under the door so she could do sit ups.  I think the funniest thing that ever happened, was one time she was doing pushups or leg lifts or something like that on the floor, and the dog came up and humped her arm.    

She was obsessed with her diet too.  She made us all eat wheat germ, she measured her food, and ate off a little plate for years and years.  I would go to school and come home and suddenly be on a slim fast diet when I came home.  Every time ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­she started me on a diet or told me we were going to start exercising.  I always felt inadequate.  Why did she want to change me? Why wasn’t I fine the way I was?  I look back at the pictures now and do not see a fat woman, perhaps a bit chunky, but dear Gods not fat.  Was it her way to control me, to compete with me, or was she trying to set a good example and be concerned about my weight?

At some point I think it all became a revolt.  Not just to her regime, but to her entire way of life.  If this was what it was to be a woman, I didn’t want it.  I didn’t want to cry all the time, manipulate people, be two faced, exercise all the time, and be obsessed with my health and what others ate around me.  But I fear I am repeating myself.  I have talked about this subject at length in both Blood in the Water and Behind a big woman’s eyes.

I have shared on my Facebook, but not recorded it here yet about the health problems I have been having recently.  On the weekend of March 13th, 2016 was a good one.  It was a payday weekend so Jay and I had been grocery shopping, both Saturday and Sunday.  I am so pleased to say that with the breathing exercises , it has been 6 months since I have had an panic attack strong enough to require a pill.  I can count on my hand the number of times I have even come close in that time frame.  With all that has come to light about my mom in the last few months (All her sins laid bare), my anxiety is almost completely gone, as I begin to understand its true root.  I have been to the new Wal-mart on North Market, twice without the need for Sophia.  In fact I have not needed her assistance in 3 or 4 months.  Just me and Jay, by ourselves going to Sam’s, Wal-Mart, and Brookshire’s, like normal people.  It has been extremely freeing.  I understand now that just because I panicked in a place once, does not necessarily mean I will panic there again.  I am treading carefully, but so far it all seems to be working.

So we are getting in bed Sunday night and I notice that my feet and legs are really swollen and my toes are red, and they hurt.  I thought what the hell is this!  Oh crap I am going to have to go to the Dr.  So I cancel my councilor for the next day and spend all that Monday the 14th, trying to reach my Dr.  When I do hear from them at 5 they say, “If you are having pain go to the ER.  It may be a blood clot.”  Jay comes home and I tell him the news. 

We go across the street to the fire station and get in the ambulance, because we know we will be seen faster in the ER if I come in this way.  They get me in the back of the ambulance and they go to take my pressure with that little machine they have.  It is so high it won’t register.  I saw it pump up past 252.  I am in agony with this thing around my arm.  I try to be good and not scream.  I grab Jay’s hand to get threw the pain.  It is hurting me so bad I left claw marks and bruises on his hand.  After the 3rd time of it trying to take my pressure and failing, I tell the EMT.  Please no.  Don’t let it do it again.  At that point he takes it off.  When we finally do get a pressure a few minutes later it is 220/100 or so.  We thought oh this is just a fluke.  Nope!

While I am at the ER it never drops below about 160/90, several times registering over 200.  They do an ultrasound of my legs, no clot!  Thank Holda!  X-ray my knee, cause it has been hurting since I slipped in the bath in December, and do blood work.  Nothing.  Dr. walks in after two hours and goes, “I don’t know what is wrong with you.  All your test are fine.  Follow up with your Primary Care Physician (PCP).”

So I do.  Dr. Warren, pcp, and I have been together lots of years, and I really like him.  He’s good people, as my daddy says.  I go see him that Wednesday the 16th.  He says, “Ilsa I think your pain level is so high that it has jacked your blood pressure, and that is making you swell.” He puts me on a new blood pressure med with a diuretic in it.  So far it is working.  I had gained almost 10 pounds in just water weight. 

 In December I took a gamble and told him again, for the first time in 8 years, that the pain in my hip never went away.  He believed me and took x-rays of my hip.  He did not see anything.  When I go to see him recently he asks after my hip pain.  I tell him the steroids he gave me last time helped, but we all know we can’t live on steroids forever.  They are bad for your liver and they make you fat.  I tell him, that no, the pain is less now that I am on daily pain meds, but it still flares up.  He takes x-rays of my back, and says, “I don’t think it is your hip.  I think it is your back.  We are going to set you up with an Orthopedist.” 

I went to see the Orthopedist on the 29th, and he diagnosed me with Pelvic Girdle Dysfunction.  He and I believe the pain is not coming from my hip, but instead from my sacroiliac joint.  An anatomy lesson for a moment, when your spine quits it forms your sacrum, and that is what your pelvis is attached to, at the end of your sacrum is your tailbone.  This sacroiliac joint is where your sacrum and your tailbone attach.  That is where my pain is coming from, for years from the left and now from the right as well, also the pelvic bone in the front, over you bladder and uterus can be infected and inflamed as well.  There seems to be some kind of imbalance there.  It can happen for no reason at all, or after a trauma.  I have no idea what has caused this.  I know a lot of pregnant women get this, and there is little information out there, on those that have it, but have never been pregnant.  We also discussed my weight did not help all this.

I am still working on finding out more about this disease.  The Dr. wanted to send me to Physical Therapy.  The insurance says, no probable.  You are covered.  It’s a $100 per visit.  So if I am to go 3 times a week, it will be $300 a week.  Um, no.  Sorry.  So I am going to have to do the exercises I have in the little book the Orthopedist sent me home with, and whatever information I can find on line. 

And on top of everything else, cause you know the Gods love me so much, I got Pink Eye.  From where and who, I know not.  So I go see Dr. Warren on the 30th.  He says, blood pressure is a little better, but he wants to up me on meds again.  Warren confirms Pink Eye, and then begins to have the dreaded weight talk with me.  We have been down this road many times before.  I tell him I am walking, in short spurts everyday.  It is one of the few things that helps the pain in my legs.  He tells me to cut out carbs and eat more vegetables.  I tell him I can’t afford vegetables.  I tell him I can’t cut out carbs with a husband who loves rice, gravy, sweet tea, and biscuits, and does not considerate a complete meal without a carb in it!  So poor Dr. Warren is trying to fight poverty and hundreds of years of Southern tradition.  We talk about me seeing a nutritionist.  I am down for that.  Insurance says, sure no probable.  You are covered.  It’s a $100 a visit.  Ugh!  Beat head against the desk!

So it looks like my options are grow my own food, walk, and do floor exercises at home.    We have been here before, and failed many, many times.  I have no idea why this time would be any different.  Just, just when I am getting to a point about changing my relationship with food, they ask me to lose weight again, and all this garbage starts coming up.  I was just beginning to think of food as magic.  And seeing that I am classist when it comes to eating some of the poverty foods that others in the South grew up on, that experts are now saying are so good for us, beans and greens, squash and tomatoes.  Y’all know when I ended up in the hospital (A little crazy, just like me) a week after I saw the nutritionist.  I tried following it for a week, but felt such pressure I believe that is what caused that first major panic attack.  That and it was close to Oma’s death date. 

All of this has happened just as I was having a small miracle in my life occur.  I love sweets, and I am crazy for chocolate.  I have been for years.  But I think I am losing my obsession with it?  I am not sure about all of this myself.  It is too new for me.  The girls in OA used to say that after they had been off of sugar for a while, they were relieved of their sugar cravings.  Not me.  There was never a day that I didn’t crave sugar, even though I had been abstinent from it for almost a year.  It never left me. 

Now I am doing things like sitting on the couch with a bag of carrots, munching my heart out.  Weeks before Dr. Warren told me to lose weight.  When I want crunch and sweet, I am craving apples, not fiddle faddle.  I am even now interested in learning how to cook more fresh vegetables, like greens.  I am serious here people, if you know how to message me.  It’s odd and bizarre to me.  I have changed nothing in my diet to have this occur.  The only thing I can tie this all to is a recurring thought I have had. 

As a child I remember thinking, I need to gain weight so that people will think that I am Daddy (Jef’s) child, to hide and conceal the fact that I was a Smith, that I was really Beau’s child.  In the last few months as I have begun to understand the depths of my mother’s lies and the affect it has had on my psyche.  I have come to believe it is not a bad think to be Beau Smith’s child.  It is nothing I need to conceal, or hide, or fight.  That it is perfectly fine for me to go back to being the thin, athletic, and beautiful girl I was like when I was 6 years old. 

As I have sat with the Smith family over these last few holidays, and I as I plan for more with them, they are not that much different than the Fisher’s.  They love each other, they try to understand and support each other, even if they don’t agree with what the other is doing.  Yes some of them are confused as to who their real dad is.  It doesn’t matter.  They are not the bad, stupid, dirty, disgusting people, I was told they were.  I feel loved and accepted when I am with them, although I am not sure they all understand that I am a witch and democrat.   I am not sure I will tell them, I am terrified they will ask me to leave, but then again I have a lingering suspicion that they might not.  Every time I am with them, just like every time I am with JM, Elisha, and Ashley they heal me.  I come home smiling so much my face hurts. 

I am just not sure of any of this.  It is all still a work in progress.  I will keep y’all up to date.




All her sins laid bare

I have tried really hard to delay the writing of this article as long as possible, but like any good pot left to cook on the stove, my cauldron is boiling over.  This might be a little long so grab your drink and follow along if you can.
In October, Jay and I headed to Desoto Parish for a cousin’s baby shower.  We never made it.  We blew a tire, and having no spare, ‘cause you know, we are poor like that, we called for a tow truck to get us home.  It was only free for the first 15 miles, so we were towed to my parent’s house.  It was a pleasant afternoon and we had several dogs with us.  I called my parents to come and rescue us.  They came and picked me and the fur kids up, while Jay waited in the car, with lots of water, his book, and his phone for several hours, until the tow truck arrived.  Meanwhile I went home with my folks. 
I spent the next few hours on the back porch working on sketching out my book, reading, and talking to mom.  I began to talk about writing and asked if she was reading my blog.  She told me point blank, “I don’t have time for that.”  And then the story gets very strange.  She begins to tell me that someone in the family has called her, and told her how upset they are about my blog, but she refuses to tell me who it is.  She says, this person is very upset over what I have been writing, is considering blocking me, and can’t believe some of the things I have said, especially what I said about Grandpa possible molesting me.  When I confirm with mom that yes in fact I believe this happened to me, she dismisses it out of hand.  I then ask her a question about something that happened in my childhood, something I have had confirmed by others that I know did in fact happen.  She blows me off and then tells me, “Hump, You must have dreamed that.” 
The finally straw of that afternoon was mom telling me she loved me, to which I responded, “How nice.”  She then pipes up and says, “What you don’t love me too?”  I then have to explain to her, that after all she has done to me, including robbing me, I don’t know that I will ever love her again.  She seems to be devastated and is unable to comprehend this.  She has since thrown this back in my face a time or two.  Saying, “Well I know you don’t love me, but I will do this for you anyways.”
Seven months later she finally tells me who it was that called her.  This family member said that it was not fair me coming forward with my story of Grandpa abusing me, because he was not here to defend himself.  That’s right people as if it was not hard enough to tell y’all this.  I should take my attackers emotions and motives into consideration.  But hey, he is still trying to think the best of him.  More power to him.  He doesn’t want to be part of my life because I spoke my truth, more power to him. 
Even though now I know my mom was not lying about his part, this conversation on the back porch planted the seeds y’all.  My councilor, Barb, had said after my mother robbed me in March of 2012, (Read about that here in My Mother - Part 2) that she was probable a narcissist.  I had of course done the research, and yes in many ways she fit the profile, but I knew she never had lied to me, so I was unsure.  All my growing up, she would tell me, “Don’t lie to me, you will make it worse!”  and my personal favorite, “I would never lie to you!  I am your mother!!”  And I believed her.
The day this conversation took place, I had actually just started working on my book, that morning.  I was making notes, drawing up genealogy charts, and figuring out names for my characters.  As time went on, I began to delve into the psychology of some of them.  I began to look at the characteristics of emotional and mental abuse, now simply called psychological abuse.  I began to ask friends who had dealt with similar parents in their lives, how they have coped with a mother like mine. 
I was discussing all this one day on-line with Aunt Cathy’s daughter.  She had grown up knowing Beau, my mother, and me.  She said, “You know my parents lamented the fact that it seemed your mom was brainwashing you.”  I was confused and befuddled.  I asked what she meant?  She then goes on to tell me that Beau had tried to see me, and my mother would not let him.  I was taken aback.  I knew for a fact that he had not, that is what my mother had told me my entire life, “Your father abandoned us!” again and again since I can remember.  I had even recently asked her if she thought he ever loved me.  I believe mom answered with, “I don’t know, or I don’t think so.”  Sorry little fuzzy there. 
As I began to look into psychological abuse, I saw how much of that fit my life.  I decided to try a little experiment.  My mom called to ask what I wanted for my Christmas.  I told her nothing.  I knew they were struggling to put food on the table, and I said I wanted nothing. I put out an article that week or so called, Christmas 2015.  In it, I said the only thing I wanted for Christmas was socks.  I never told my mom this.  Christmas Eve, on the Christmas tree, is a pair of socks.  When I saw those socks, I knew she was reading along.  She had lied to me, point blank.  She was in fact reading along. 
A month or so later I got the chance to go to a house warming party down in Longstreet with Beau’s family.  I had the opportunity to sit down with Bobby Joe.  He was one of the few family members that were allowed to stay in my life.  I knew he loved me.  I knew he would be impartial, just as he always had been about all this.  He had always been a great resource for me to talk to about all things.  So at the party I got the chance to talk to Bobby Joe at length about these things. 
I said, “I think my Mother is lying to me.  I have lots of questions.  Things are not adding up.” 
He said, “You ask the questions and I will tell you what’s true and what’s not.”

I asked the following questions:
I: Does Beau lie?
BJ:  He would have no reason to.

I: Did Beau try to see me?  I was told he did not.
BJ:  Yes, but your Mom would not allow it.  Beau kept trying, but he finally, gave up.  After the day you came home talking about Elisha (my sister), your Mom was pissed and told Beau he was not to bring you around Sandy (Beau’s new wife) or Elisha.  Basically she cut him off and told him he couldn’t see you anymore.

I:  Why didn’t he sue for parental rights?
BJ: In Louisiana at that time, a man had no rights to his kids.  (It is still damned impossible in this state for a man to get sole custody of his kids, and this was 40 years ago. Judges still almost always find in favor of the mother.  The two men I know that have sole custody of their kids, got it because the mother surrendered her rights.)

I:  I know I stayed with Aunt Ruby, while mom was in the hospital, recovering from brain surgery?  Did Beau pick me up in the evening times and take me home?  I was told he did not.
BJ:  Yes, Aunt Ruby had a have a break.  Beau picked you up every night and took you home.

I:  Did Beau come to see Mom in the hospital?  I was told he only came a few times.
BJ:  That’s a lie.  Beau came every day or every other day.  He came to pick up your mom’s clothes, took them home, washed them, and brought them back.

I:  Did Beau pay child support?  I was told he did not.
BJ:  When your Beau worked for UPS it was deducted from his pay check.  He paid so much child support, he couldn’t rent a place to live.

Another family member chimed in to confirm all of this.  They then talked at length about which relatives Beau had lived with, while all this was going on.  So now I have three independent, non bias sources tell me, basically that everything that my mother told me was a lie, but then again she has been telling this story so long, she probable believes all of it.  The above conversation has had a profound impact on my life. 
In February, I dispatched an email to Beau, telling him most of what I have just told you, and with the above conversation between Bobby Joe and me.  Within a few days I received a wonderful reply back to my letter.  Confirming yes, all of the above was true.  He was so grateful that all this had come to light.  He felt like his heart was healing from all this.  I wrote to tell him how sorry I was, that for years I had continued to tell these lies.  And that now I finally believed what I had felt all along in my heart.  He loved me, he tried to see me, my mother kept him from me, and he did not abandon me. 
I have talked with councilors, family, friends, and strangers about how does one stay in relationship with a person like my mother after all this, yet keep a relationship with my Dad, Jef.  I do not want to lose him.  I love him so dearly.  Even Beau has great respect for him, because he is such an awesome guy.  And to Beau’s great testament, he refuses to speak ill of either one.  I have thought of trying to warn Dad, and tell him about all this, but I know he would side with mom, and just see it as me trying to hurt and upset his dear precious, emotional disturbed wife.  He has no idea she is a psychic vampire and has been draining both of us for years.  It’s not like they would break up, or she would get help.  He would not divorce her.  He loves her too much.
There are days I don’t want to believe all of this.  Days I just want to go back in my shell, say they are all liars, confess my sin of betraying my mother to her.  The sin you know of loving, being with, and believing my other family, beg and grovel to her, and hope above all hope she will forgive me, and give me just a morsel of the unconditional love that I need.  There are days I want to blame this all on her surgery.  There are days I want to say, “If you had a father like Grandpa you would be fucked up too, and not know how to love.”  But most of all, I worry about the phone call that will come from my Daddy Jef, when this is posted.  Saying, “Your momma’s in there crying again.  She had to take one of her panic pills and lay down.  You hurt her real bad this time Ilsa, real bad.  Those people have an agenda.”  Which will make me cry and grieve, and hurt and panic, but I am not the one who lied here, and the evidence is overwhelming.  As of this writing I now have 5 sources confirming this story.  I am not the one who is playing mind games.  It is a vicious loop, the snake biting its tail, consuming itself. 
The stress she has put me under for so long has taken a tremendous toll on my health.  My blood pressure is through the roof.  In the last year since I have started talking to her again, my periods have become all out of wack again.  In those two years while I didn’t talk to her, they were damn near perfect.  I have anxiety and panic attacks, because I am so afraid all the time of who will emotional attack me next, and not being able to get my life perfect so my mom will stop critiquing what I do, even if it is just with her tone of voice or body language.  In so many ways it has become her or me. 
As I have thought on all of this I have also considered how she has treated not just Beau’s side of the family, but other family members as well.  Her brothers she adores, their wives she calls bitches, and I have often seen her have contempt for her nieces as well.  All behind closed doors you understand.  She is polite to your face, and stabs you in the back as soon as the door closes.  Everyone she seems to find flawed and horrible. 
All of this has had a profound effect on me.  For the first time, in probable 30 years, I no longer believe I am crazy.  I am perhaps troubled, scared, gifted and / or mental ill, but not crazy, a word that has defined me for so long.  I believe that living under her rule, was like trying to build a house with broken bricks.  It just won’t stand very long.  She lied to me.  She gaslighted me, basically told me I was crazy or wrong for believing things I knew to be true, therefore making me question everything I did and not believing in myself, or that I had a stable mind.  She kept me isolated, and lied to me and made nasty comments, so I would hate not just Beau’s family, but my other family as well, at the very least keeping strong bonds from forming with those around me.  Making it seem like it was just me and her against the world. 
You know I was the good kid.  I never got in Jef’s face and said, “You’re not my real Daddy!”  I never threatened to leave and go live with Beau.  I toed the line and hated Beau, just the way she taught me too.  And in the process I hated myself because I was half his.  I wonder now if she did all this so I would not run away, or fight her, and she could keep control over me, so she could keep using me.  So she could keep me to herself and feed off of me.  No longer.
The idea that I can trust myself, and that I am not crazy, and that people are not just waiting around to hurt me, has changed my outlook on life, so has learning the truth about Beau.  I am beginning to think maybe all men are not bad, and I am beginning to lose my fear of them.  But I can still hear her in my head saying, “Don’t you ever trust no man!  You better be able to do it on your own!” 
As all this began to come to the surface, as it all began to bubble and boil if you will, it felt really familiar.  It felt like Mike.  It felt like Melinda, Marie, and Paige all over again.  In my mind, once a liar, always a liar.  I felt like I had been used all over again, like I had been a pawn in her sick game, like I had been run over by this truck before.  I began to see the connections and of course the psychological abuse all in my life.  It began to answer the questions I had of why I got involved with these people, even all the way back to Sonya in grade school.  Why I had fought for them, been so fiercely loyal to them?  They were all copies of my mother.  They say you attract to you what you want to heal, people with issues you are not done with yet.  I always thought I chose, on a subconscious level, to be an abusive relationship with Michael, because of issues with my Grandfather.  I think now it was because of issues with my mom.  All five of them were in many ways very much alike.  So much of my life has been a repeating pattern.  Here I am trying to hang on to people, and be good to them, when they didn’t deserve it.  All in the hopes they would love me back. 
For so long I have associated being loved, with being controlled.  I think that’s part of what has been hardest on my relationship with Jay, is that because he has always been so wonderful to me, there was always this thought in my mind that it was somehow not real, or I didn’t deserve it.  I know now, I am worthy of his love, and I love him more deeply today, then I did 6 month or 6 years ago.
I have yet to reveal any of this to my mother, like any of it would make a difference.  Those of you who are following along know she has seizures from her brain surgery 38 years ago.  If not you can read all about that in, Hello Ilsa, Goodbye Beau.  My mom goes for long periods of time without being nasty to me, or lying to me.  The other day she calls me and says she, “had a night seizure.”  Now she had not had a seizure in 30 or so years, not since they got her meds right.  I remember being about 5 or so, when she had her last one.  She has had no more since then.  So mom proceeds to tell me about this night seizure. 
She says, “I sat bolt right up in bed and said, ‘oh no!’  Then I saw a seizure in my head.” 
I ask if she is trying to tell me it was a “Focal Aura,” which feels like a mini seizure.  It is what would have been a seizure, had she not been on meds. 
She tells me, “No”
I said, “Wow you haven’t had a seizure in 30 years.”
She says, “Well I’ve had my night seizures.”
I am like, “What?  What the hell are you talking about?!  This is the first time you have ever said this to me!  You have consistently told me for 30 years, that you have been seizure free all these years!  No!  I think this was something else.”  She forgets I have seen her have a seizures.  She has Grand Mal’s.  She falls out on the floor, and has no memory of what has happened to her. 
She then corrects herself and says, “Oh well, maybe it was something else then.”
She’s on the phone fucking trying to lie to me, gaslight me.  And in my head I am screaming she is fucking lying to me again!  She’s still doing this to me.’  I got off the phone real quick and hung up with her. 
My parents came the other day for my birthday.  I begged them not to spend money on me.  That the greatest gift to me would be for them to buy some food, cause I knew she was going to guilt trip me and tell me how little they had at home.  They came to see me and brought pizza, at least I talked them down from taking me out to dinner. 
As she is getting ready to leave, I show her a few things with her camera, and before she leaves I show her my binder, with the first 100 pages of my book in it.  She looks up at me kind of dumbstruck and says, “Ilsa this could really turn into an income for you.”  I said, “That is what I am hoping for.”  In my mind I am thinking, you should have told me that, all the years before when you saw that I could write.  “Darling you are so talented,” is not, “Darling I think you could make a career out of this.  I believe in you.  Do what you dream.”  We have a nice time, she goes to leave and wants to kiss me.  I kiss her on the cheek.  She says no she wants a lip kiss, just as we always do.  Instead of standing my ground and saying, “No,” I kissed her.  When she left I smeared hand sanitizer on my lips.  It felt so dirty, ‘cause I know I don’t love her.  How could I?
One more thing, and then I am going to quit for the day.  My mother’s childhood friend, who I call Aunt Diane, calls me the other day, and we chat and visit about mom and other things.  I tell her about the book and then I ask her if she is following along, reading my blog. 
She says, “Ilsa, I didn’t know you were writing a blog or a book!  Why didn’t your mom tell me all this?” 
I said, “Guess it wasn’t high on her priority list.”
And I don’t want y’all to read this, and think, “Oh she’s just ragging on her mom.  Everybody’s got troubles, and crazy parents.”  And that is so true.  Beau even told me the other day, “remember your mom fed you when you were hungry, and took care of you.”  So writing this article feels in many ways like a betrayal.  But I have to tell y’all.  I think I owe that much to y’all, to keep telling you what is going on in my life.  Y’all know I do a lot of thinking on paper, it helps me to get all this stuff out.  But for those of you who know me, in person, have been concerned about over the years, have loved me, I wanted you to know I feel as if I have turned another corner, come back to myself, grown a back bone, and have become hellaciously stronger in the last few months. 
And I have tried, and tried, and tried, and I have given her every opportunity to right these wrongs and the ways she treats me.  I get nothing in return.  I have begged and pleaded for her to go to counseling.  She refuses.  I have even said I would sit down with her and her priest or her pastor.  Nothing.  She still continues to believe there is nothing wrong with her, or our relationship.  She makes me feel it is all my fault. 
I have been sitting on this article for over a month, because mom is playing nice at the moment, even pretending to care.  But as I was doing some reading this morning, I realized I was trying to give her one more chance.  If she hurt me again, I would publish this article.  She will hurt me again.  She will say nasty things to me again, that is her nature.  So to wait is kind of moot point.  I am just so very tired of all of this.  I have tried for the last year and a half to play nice for the sake of my dad, but it continues to take an emotional and physical toll on me.  I have to be content that I have done everything in this relationship I could.  I will not continue to jump across an ocean for a woman who won’t cross a puddle for me.  A woman who’s hate has consumed her so much that she has destroyed lives in the process.  Hate is the enemy, love and truth are the answer. 
Writing this will not fix her, will not change her.  I will only change me.  I feel like a shield maiden, a warrior queen, Freya, Boudicca, Xena, and Holda and Kali in their dark mother furry.  I am mad as hell.  I have given up hope I will ever please her, or that she will ever stop playing games with me.  I am just going to have to release her in light and love, and give her to the Gods, ‘cause there is not a damn thing I can do with her.  As my mother always says, “A leopard, don’t change its spots.”



At 40

At 40 I understood…

They told me I was crazy - so I became crazy

They told me I was weird - so I tried to hide who I really was

They told me I was fat - so I became fat

They told me I was lazy - so I worked till I dropped

She told me I was abandoned - so I felt abandoned

She told me they would hurt me - so I became afraid of them

She told me the world was not safe - so I hid

She told me I was unloved - so I felt unlovable

They told I was ugly - so I felt ugly, and ashamed to be seen

They told me pride was a sin - so I had no pride in who I was

She told me not to fight back - so I never fought for myself

But . . .

He told me he loved me - and I began to feel loved

He told me I was beautiful - and I began to feel beautiful

He showed me the world was safe - so I began to explore in joy and wonder

He told me I worked too much - so I began to relax

They told me they never abandoned me - so I felt wanted and loved

The books told me I wasn’t crazy, that I had been made that way - so I began to heal

So drop by drop I put down my:

Anxiety - and embraced wonder, hope, and joy

Guilt - and embraced my boundaries and limitations

Perfection - and embraced imperfection and tiny daily progressions

Shame - and embraced the woman I was always meant to be.

They told me I couldn’t - I decided I could
