Thursday, September 10, 2015

Falling in love with Jay

In those first days I am not sure that I want Jay.  He’s a nice guy and all, obviously the dogs like him, but I just don’t feel that spark yet you know.  Plus he’s not really my type.  I like tall fellers, and Jay is about 5’6” I mean I really like him as a friend, but I’m just not sure he’s for me.  I decide maybe I need to pass him off to one of my friends. 

I am getting ready for church that next Sunday morning when Maddie calls me.   Maddie has called to tell me that Jay’s Chihuahua has died overnight from a spider bite.  “Oh My God!  Is he okay???  Do we need to go and see him?” I say.  Maddie and I decide to go and see him after church.  We will pick him up a sympathy card somewhere along the way.  In church I talk to a friend of mine in my Sunday School Class, about maybe going out with Jay and she decides to meet him. 
Maddie and I go to Albertsons, where Jay works, after church.  I give him the card and he starts to cry.  I didn’t know until then what an animal lover Jay was.  When I saw how soft his heart was I knew that I wanted to be with him.   He may not be my usual kind of guy, but he may be the kind of guy I really need.

That night I go home and run Jay and I’s astrology charts.  I find out that we are VERY well matched.  I am a Pisces and he is a Leo.  In the Chinese Zodiac he is a horse and I am a dragon.  I have always believed in astrology.  I feel my parents have a good marriage because they are well matched astrologically.  I think that may have been part of Mike and I’s problems.  In the Chinese Zodiac he was a tiger and I am a dragon.  So if you think of a tiger and a dragon living in the same house, they are always fighting.  He was an Aquarius and I am Pisces.  While Aquarius is an air sign it is the water bearer.  To me, what that meant, was I lived in the water he brought me, and it was toxic.  I think then that I may be very wrong about Jay.  That he and I might do well together.  All the clues are pointing out this may be a very good match for me.  That he really is a good guy.  I need to give him another shot, spark or not. 
Maddie, Jay, my friend and I go out to get some pizza later that week.  We are sitting there at the table watching TV.  Jay’s back is to the TV.  Basketball is on.  Now my ex husband ate, slept and breathed sports of all types.  Most men I know love sports of some kind.  They are obsessed to some degree.  I’ve even seen LSU t-shirts around here that read, “Love Jesus, Love the Tigers.” And it’s usually in that order around here, Jesus and then football, everything else is a distant third.  So I figure Jay is no different.  I want to show him that I can hang with that ideal.  So I start fanning interest in what is going on with the Basketball game on TV. 

“What are you watching?” he asks
“Basketball.  What teams do you like?”  I say.

“I’m not much into sports.  I never have been.”  My heart skipped a beat.  I think, “What?  You mean I don’t have to pretend to like sports anymore?  I mean with you?”  I’m starting to think I want this feller more and more.  That I might get the luxury of being completely myself around him, and not have to change who I am to get his love.
After dinner Jay invites us to his house for drinks and to chill.  He makes us frozen margaritas. He says he wants to show us his room.

He gives us the tour and explains, “The wall over my computer is a little empty right now because this is where I keep my black powder gun, that my uncle Mack made for me.  But it’s in the shop right now.   It’s got a ball stuck in it.”
Now I know that there is only one man threw these woods that I know of who makes black powder riffles, and his name is Mack Colvin.  “Mack who?” I ask. 

“Mack Colvin,” he says.
“The hell you say!  How the hell do you know Mack Colvin???”  I ask angrily.  It just can’t be.  They have found out I know Mack and they are playing a trick on me.  I know they are.

“He’s my uncle.” Jay says.
“He’s got a daughter named Rachael?”  I ask.

“No his daughters name Dawn.”  He says.
I go on to describe Rachael in detail, her husband and what he does, and their daughter.  He says yes it is all true but the name is wrong.  He says he will be right back.  He goes into his mom’s room and confers with her on the name.  He returns to tell me that Rachael is Dawns’ legal name.  But the family has always called her by Dawn, her middle name.  We are talking about the same family.

I sank into the pink chair behind me.  I am shaking.  I can’t speak.  The stars have aligned and I am going to marry this man.  When I can finally speak I tell them the story of me and Rachael.
“Five years ago I attended the Natchitoches Folk Festival.  I was interested in learning to tat.  I met Rachael there, selling her tatting wares.  I told her I wanted to learn.  She said pull up a chair.  I sat with Rachael and her family for two days and learned to tat.  Rachael sends me patterns and I do them for her.  I send them back and she critiques them.  I’ve know Rachael, her husband, her daughter, her mother and her father Mack Colvin for five years.  They are good friends of mine.”  No one can speak for a few minutes.  I explain I thought they were trying to play a trick on me.

It’s all there.  The signs are all there.  He’s a gentlemen, he has impeccable manners, he loves books, he loves animals, my animals like him, he comes from a good, loving, and well respected family and he’s cute to boot.  I go home that night and email Rachael.  I tell her about Jay and can she please vouch for his character.  She responds the next morning that she never thought to put us together.  She tells me what a good man Jay is and that when he was little they practically raised him.
Jay is my catch.  He is for me.  It’s a little over a week since I met him and I already know in my heart that I will spend the rest of my life with this man.  The idea of giving him away fades.  He’s mine now, and I could not be happier.

December 29th, 2002 we decide to throw a dinner party at my parent’s house.  In attendance will be Jay, Maddie, the friend I tried to pass Jay off on and a guy friend of hers, me and my parents.  Mom starts to not feel well.  I ask Jay if he will take her up to my aunt’s house, who is a nurse, to have Mom’s blood pressure checked.  He says sure.  I feel I cannot leave my father with people he does not know and in the middle of trying to prep for dinner.  When he returned a little bit later with her, I knew I could trust him. 
Jay goes on to grill us a lovely meal.  We all have a good time. My friend and her guy friend have left.  After everything is cleaned up Jay and Maddie go to leave, as they came in the same car.  Maddie goes to sit in the car.  It was late and the moon was full and shining brightly high over our heads.  I could see it peaking threw our massive old pecan tree from where I was standing.  Jay and I go to say goodbye, he hugged me and then he kissed me.  We hadn’t even held hands yet, that’s what I was hoping for but WOW! My knees went weak.  I thought I would faint.  Damn could he kiss!  I’d never been kissed like that.  I was dizzy.  I saw stars.  My leg did that funny curl thing, and my toes curled.  When I opened my eyes I could not have imagined a more perfect place for a first kiss, with the moon shining down on us.  Forget waiting for a spark those were fireworks baby!


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