Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Under her thumb

In December of 2013 Jay and I bought our food trailer, and started our business Garson Du Bayou.  It means Boys of the Bayou in French. We entered into a partnership with Jay’s BFF.  Paige could not stand him.  She basically hated anyone I loved. Paige was totally against the business.  She was not fond of Jay’s cooking.  Everyone loves Jay’s cooking.  I think Paige was just hell bent to destroy anything that was good in my life.  I wonder if her plan all along was to make me as miserable as she was?

We started cleaning out the food truck, and getting it ready.  We decided our first test run event would be Mardi Gras in February. The night before our first event Punka got sick.  She developed a huge bubble on the side of her face.  We took her into the Emergency Vet.  I pray you never have to go there.  After many hours they told us that they believed she had been bitten by something, and that is what had caused the swelling.  It was kind of odd, since she had not been outside that day.  She had been sleeping at my feet all day.  They told us if her condition changed to come in. 

The next day the swelling had moved to under her throat.  Paige offered to stay home with her, while we did our event.  The next morning I would move over Punka’s heart.  She could not drink water and she was having trouble breathing.  We rushed her back into the vet’s office.  We were told she was in congestive heart failure.  The bubble they thought was from a bit or sting, was actually fluid, and not it was impeding her heart function.  We left her there to see if her condition would improve.  In conversations with the Vet, we learned that this would be the end for Punka.  This problem would never go away and she might get a little better, but we would be coming back to this point again and again.  I could not let her live like that. 

I talked with the vet, with Paige, and with Jay, and we decided to put her down.  We went back to the Emergency Vet’s office and waited 3 hours, until we could be seen.  I almost lost my nerve several times.  Punka died in our arms on February 23rd, 2014.  We buried her the next day in Holda’s Well.

I have a little sacred spot on my property right outside my bedroom.  When I raise up out of bed in the morning, it is the first thing I see.  We have a fountain and a bricked area. The old timers will tell you to make a spell strong you have to add a bit of yourself to it, so you use blood, spit or urine.  I had peed Punka at this spot one day and then me.  We had both given of ourselves, so it seemed like a good spot.  We used some scalloped edging corners to make a 2 x 2 square on the ground.  In the middle we put bricks with holes in them, so anything poured in this spot would go down to the ground.  We added dirt from a sacred Holda site in Pennsylvania.  I will go out and give Holda’s well offerings of alcohol, food, coffee, milk, whatever. Punka was my familure. When she died, I could think of no better offering to give Holda, then my fur child.  No better place for her to rest, but a place she and I had built together.  So we opened up Holda’s well, and laid Punka to rest in there.  Every morning her little grave is the first thing I see. 

 In early March 2014 Paige called me out.  She said, “Ten years ago you used to be feisty and vivacious!  What happened to you?”  I thought ten years ago I was in OA and working out.  I decided to go back.  I became abstinent very quickly, got off sugar, began to work out and lost 30lb.  I would gain it back as quickly as I lost it, and never lose another pound while I was in program.  I quit OA right before my one year anniversary.  After hearing one day in the rooms, the reason I was not losing weight was I was not close enough to my god.  If it works for you, that’s good.  I wish you luck.

Paige would get this attitude with me anytime I tried to go to a meeting or go workout.  She seemed to be jealousy of anything I did for myself.   She told me, don’t need to go work out at a gym.  You could lose weight by doing house work if you really tried. 

On my birthday Tami, and my friend Jenny held a birthday party for me.  Paige wanted me all to herself.  She was very jealous anytime I spent time with my other friends.  Tami and Jenny both offered to beat Paige up for me.  They were deadly serious.  They tried to convince me that Paige was controlling me.  My friends had told me, Jay had told me, but I was still fiercely loyal to her.  I felt she was helping me.  I was not listening to reason at that point.  I am blessed to have friends who so loved me and wanted what was best for me, even if I was under Paige’s thumb.  Tami said, “I just don’t like the way she talks to you.”

Tami was still living out here in Momma Muriel’s house at that time.  I told Paige that when Tami moved, she could move in.  Paige tried to convince me one day to give her the deed to Momma Muriel’s house, so that she could raise Tami’s rent to about $800 dollars.  I told her, “No.”  Oh Paige did not like that, but then she never liked it when I asserted myself to her.




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