Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Marijuana may not be the drug for me

In those 7 years that I did not speak to Paige, Jelly became my child.  She was loved and she was cherished.  She roamed these lands and hunted moles, her favorite thing.  She loved Prince and us.  She lived a happy life here.

I always wondered what happened to Paige.  I looked her up on Facebook one day.  It took me a while to find her, but eventually I did.  By that time, I had forgotten what she had been like, or why I had been so angry with her. 

When Barb suggested that I might be Bipolar I put out the word on Facebook that I would like to talk to others with a similar diagnosis.  Paige chimed in that she had the disease and would love to share her experience with me.  We talked real briefly on the phone one day, near the end of D & K’s stay with us.  She called me not long after they left, and told me she was staying in a motel in Bossier.  I thought I should go out and see her, and so Jelly and I went to visit her.  God’s help me I should have left her right there.  But I took pity on her and thought I’ve got a spare room, and some money.  Why don’t I try to make her life better?

I was still repainting Jay’s man cave, Juno and Kay’s old room.  I told her I need a few weeks to finish it, to buy a new bed, but after that would she like to move in. I felt I just could not leave her there.   By late October 2013 Paige moved in with me.  For 8 months she would turn my life upside down. 

Paige had been in Texas most of the last 7 years.  She had lived in Texarkana, been engaged, lost her house to foreclosure, been robbed, been homeless, been in jail once we think for drugs, and once for “abusing” her mom.  I am fuzzy on the details of her jail stays.  She told us she was diagnosed as Bipolar in jail, and taken to a 30 day treatment place.  By the time she came to us she was no longer on meds, and was convinced she did not need them. 

I let Paige do things in my home and on my property that I am not proud of.  She treated those closest to me like dirt.  She treated Jay like dirt, and one night would even turn me against Jay.  She freely admitted to me, in the end, that she was trying to break Jay and I up.  She came very close.  She told me every day how stupid he was, and I started chiming in with her.  Remember that part about me being malleable.  I often bend my will to others.  She believed Jay was verbally abusive to me, because some of the pet names we call each other.  She gave me commands and I followed them. For 8 months she basically sat on my front porch, smoked cigarettes I bought her, washed clothes, played with her phone, and found guys to fuck. 

We knew Paige loved Marijuana.  It was still illegal in the state of Louisiana at this time, still is as of this writing.  Jay hated this fact.  He was terrified we would get caught, get in trouble, and lose everything we owned.  I am grateful we never did.  We went round and round about this.  He wanted her out because of it, I begged him to let her stay, and because he loves me, he did. She smoked in her room, even after we told her not too.  I am allergic to cigarette smoke.  She would even smoke her weed inside on a rainy, cold or windy day.  She told me because she was paying rent, she should be allowed to do what she wanted in her room.

I told her I had always wanted to try Marijuana, to see what all the fuss was about.  But as I am allergic to smoke I could obviously not smoke it.  So we went to Texarkana and bought some hash from her middleman connection.  On Christmas Eve 2013 we made Marijuana brownies.  I had the first one and waited about an hour, nothing.  So I had another, nothing.  I snuck a third one.  They were after all good brownies.  I got up from the table, to go to the bathroom about the time the first one hit.  I collapsed in the doorway between my room and the bathroom.  I told Paige, “Strawberry.”  After some arguing she went and got Jay.  They both tried for the next 45 minutes to get me in bed, but I was a limp noodle, and you have to remember I’m a big girl so there was no lifting me.  I told them, “I forgot some witches, should not do drugs.”  Some believe since our minds are already open to magical forces, that we should not really tempt fate by putting ourselves in an altered state with drugs. 

I would trip for the next 9 hours.  My last real memory before I passed out for the first time was becoming possessed.  Jay had one arm, Paige had the other.  I was in front of my bedroom window.  I felt the spirit come through the window and into me, all the while I am screaming, “No!”  I was taken against my will.  As I have thought on how to tell you this story, these last few days, I have been reviewing the details.  I wonder now if I did not call for Holda in that state, and she came into me to protect me from what was going on.  I don’t know. 

I am not sure if I passed out at that point or not.  I do remember The Mother coming thru and her wanting to reach up and physically hurt Paige. I had some control at that point, and was able to restrain her.  I know she wanted to yell at Paige.  The only thing I remember her saying was, “I am ready to receive.”  Meaning she was ready to receive questions.  I know at one point she wanted to scream at Paige, “Christian get out of my house!”  I don’t remember anything after that.  At some point the spirits must have left me. 

I blacked in and out for the next few hours.  I cried, I laughed so hard I peed all over myself more than once. I thought I invented ham, and begged others to look at what I had created. I took off all my clothes.  I was paranoid.  I would come too and beg for them to get Tami or Barb.  Beg to be taken to the hospital.  I cried that I was a witch, alone and solitary.  I called Jay all manner of terrible things.  I’m still apologizing for that one.  I started screaming and crying that Jay had left me, when he was right beside me.  At some point I was given milk to make the trip, lessen or stop.  It didn’t help.  I started vomiting.  I climbed in the tub with my socks on.  I thought if I suddenly run outside naked, at least I would have something on my feet.  Tried out my Kung Fu moves when people tried to put clothes on me.  I came to at one point and Paige said, “I haven’t’ had a cigarette in hours.”  I said, “We better take advantage of it while we have it.” And I pushed her 300lb ass from the bathroom to the front door, about 50ft.  I blacked out again when I got to the front door.  Jay finally got tired and went to bed.  I woke up out of my last black out about midnight, sitting naked in my chair, vomiting and holding on to a trash can.  Having no idea what was going on.  Somewhere in here I took one of my panic pills.  I don’t know if that made it better or worse.  I know now that I had basically overdosed on Marijuana.  I didn’t know the effect was more intense when you eat it.  I didn’t know that the brownies take about an hour each to kick in. 

I would try Marijuana one more time while Paige was there.  I had one brownie.  I got hot, horney, hungry and sleepy.  I think now marijuana may just not be the drug for me.  I still think it should be legalized for both medicinal and recreational use.  But if you end up like me, you should not being driving heavy machinery, Okay! 

If you are a witch or other pagan, and do decide to try Marijuana for the first time, you might want there to be other trained witches or pagans around you.  Just in case something paranormal happens to you and you need someone to get you out of that situation.  Just FYI.


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