Okay so by now you may have noticed that I mark time a
little different then you do. Most
Pagans follow what is called the Wheel of the Year. In it we celebrate 8 holy days, spaced about
6 weeks apart. Some of the days were
celebrated by the ancients, and some not.
You can think of it like an 8 spoked wheel,
or like the Dharmic wheel. So I will
start with Mabon since that is what has just passed.
Mabon – September
21st, Fall Equinox
Samhain – October
31st, Halloween, many feel the beginning of the New Year.
Winter Solstice-
December 21st, the beginning of Yule, and the start of the Heathen
New Year.
Yule – A 13 day
celebration and time of rest. It runs
from December 21st until about January 2nd or 3rd,
depends on who you talk to. January 3rd
is also called Epiphany or 12th night. In Louisiana it is the traditional start of
Marti Gras season. I often use the word
Yule to denote the first day of Yule (Winter Solstice).
Imbolc – February 2nd, Groundhog’s Day,
Ostara – March 21st,
Spring Equinox
Beltane – May 1st, May Day, some feel the
start to the New Year, nothing to do with communism or Russians
Litha – June 21st,
Summer Solstice
Lughnasa - August
2nd, harvest festival aka Loafmass
Thank you,
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