I began to
try to remove the temptation from him. I
remember one time filling up half of a large black garbage bag with magazines,
video tapes, and cd’s that I had cooked in the microwave. They sparkle and pop when you cook them. I went through his disks and his browser
history. I remember one time going thru
a stack of floppy disks to see how many had porn on them. My stack was about a foot tall when I
stopped. I destroyed them all. It got to the point that I could not even
keep a clothing catalogue or magazine with a picture of a woman in it, because
he would steal them, hide them and use them.
What’s worse is I had to pick up his crunchy socks in the morning, because
he would never put them in the hamper.
I still have
no idea how much money he spent on porn.
He hid so much of it from me. I
made the money and was in charge of the bills when we first got married. Until I bounced a few checks and he took the
check book away from me. I turned the
bills over to him, like a good little Christian. He was the man. He was supposed to run the house. I remember one day getting a $500 phone
bill. Turns out he had been calling 800 numbers,
that would then route him to a 900 number, where he could have phone sex. He was furious when I found out. I had to put a 900 number block on our phone.
We were piss
ass poor. I was working as a lab monitor
and it paid very little. Mike, when he
did work, was delivering pizzas. I
remember even scrubbing his shirts on a washboard at night so that he would
have clean clothes. I did all of the
house work. If I did ask him to help, he
would just ignore me.
I tried to
throw him out one night. I packed his
bag, his teddy bear included, and threw it out on the lawn along with all his
porn. I locked the doors and would not let him back in the house. He banged and screamed on the door and
windows. I made it 30 min. before I
finally gave in.
I would
often begged him to stop, to get help, but in the late ‘90s there was no help
for sex addicts in our area. And that’s
what he had become, by the definition. He
would just become more enraged, and fly into a tantrum, hit the wall and
terrify me. Always blaming it on someone
else, USL, Liberals, me. It didn’t
matter. He never took responsibility for
what he was doing. I always expected his next punch would be my face, but he
never hit me. He just verbally,
emotional, mentally and financially abused me.
As for me,
he would not touch me. It took weeks,
often of begging on my hands and knees for him to touch me or have sex with
me. This man I loved, no longer wanted
me and I became a prisoner in my own home.
I would go to bed, and he would masturbate by the computer in the other
room until the wee hours of the morning.
I would try to go to the bathroom to pee and he would scream at me to
get back to bed. I developed bladder
problems for holding it for so long. I
still think this is part of why I developed IC.
I was depressed
and under so much stress I developed Shingles. I reached 300lb. I was suicidal, and wrote
several suicide notes. I reached out for
help several times, but to no avail. How
could I ever tell them what was going on?
How could I tell them I was not enough for my husband? Joe and one other friend were the only ones
who knew what I was going through. I had
to have someone to talk too, and it took years for me to get to that point with
them. But neither them nor the
councilors had any real answers for me, or could help me understand what was
going on. I was too embarrassed to tell
them what was really going on. I did not understand I had been abused until
after I left him. I remember one night
even calling a local rehab center and telling them what was going on. They told me they had no programs for porn
addicts at the time. All they wanted to
know was whether he hit me or not. Mike
was furious when he found out I called them.
Oh and this
was also one of his things. I have told
you I would often get Bronchitis. When I
would get sick he would tell me, “You just think you’re sick. You’re not really sick.” Mike played head games with me. Every time I caught him in a lie he would
say, “It’s not a lie. It’s
omission.” Or my personal favorite, “I
told you. You just forgot.” Now I have a memory like an elephant, I
didn’t forget, his lying ass just didn’t tell me.
We continued
to play nice in public. Few knew what
was going on with us at home. In the darkness I reached out for anything. I happened to find a book by his Holiness the
Dali Lama, called The art of happiness. I began to get very into Buddhism. The first rule of Buddhism is that all life
is suffering, and I was most definitely suffering. The second rule is there is a cause for
suffering. The third is there is a way
out of suffering. I began to look for a
way out of that suffering. I started to
study with a small Buddhist group in town, which kind of hid as a book club. Buddhism helped give me a little light in an
other wise dark life.
Then there
was Joe. He had stayed for a few
semesters and then he left to join the Army.
He could not keep up with the break neck pace that his scholarships
demanded. He had also been in ROTC for a
long time. It was in Joe that I had hope
that I had not lost all my sexiness, despite my weight and my current
predicament so I tempted him. I let him
talk to me while I was in the tub. I
could see I was still attractive to someone.
Obviously the problem was not me.
Mike knew about this and was angry, but never tried to stop me. He never tried to fight for me.
Mike and I had
changed his major, not long after we moved into apartment C. As a Sociology major I had to chose a
minor. I started taking classes in
Anthropology. I fell even more in love
with it then I had with Sociology. In my
senior year I changed my major to my minor.
By the time I graduated my GPA was 2.9, while still a C average, I had
pulled it up a full point from the time I left USL. Mike changed to journalism, just like his
father before him. In the Summer of 1999
Mike left me to do his internship at a news station in Shreveport. We were elated he had got what we felt was a
prestigious internship. Mike received a
D in the class. Later I found out it was
because he spent all his time downloading porn while he was at work.
That summer
I had to master 9 hours of French, or I would not graduate. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever
had to do. I was in class from 8 in the
morning till 5 in the afternoon. Then I
went home to study until midnight or so.
Get up again about 5 a.m. to study and then do it all again, five days a
week. I passed by the skin of my
teeth. I don’t think I even remember how
to say, “What is your name?” in French anymore.
It was
during that summer that Joe and I became even closer. I had not been away from Mike for many
years. Joe, Gods’ bless him, would drive
up from Fort Polk every other Friday to take care of me. We would go to put my check in the bank and buy
groceries. I didn’t see Mike for three
months. He could have cared less what
happened to me. While he was gone, Jim
would sleep in the bed with me, while we both had our clothes on. Hey it was better than him sleeping on the
love seat. I was scared to go to sleep
on my own back then. I remember the
first few weeks that summer going to sleep with one of Mike’s lightsabers in my
hands. I didn’t have any other weapons.
I was still
not sure what I was going to do with my life after I graduated college. I began looking at attending graduate
school. I had thought about becoming a
professor. You really cannot work in the
field of Anthology without a Doctorate.
We made a trip to the University of Alabama at Birmingham for me to look
at the college. I liked it and hoped to
enroll. My GRE, the test to get into a
master’s program, was to be paid for by NSU.
Mike comes to me one night and says that we can’t go to graduate school
just yet. He says we need to take a year
off and pay some of our bills. I am
devastated. But he is my husband and he
knows best. We graduate in May of 2000,
literally one behind the other. The next
day we pack up and move back to Shreveport.
Wow...I had no idea. I'm so glad you're O.K. Love, Hollie <3